Introduction: COVID-19 requires an all-inclusive task sharing/shifting approach by clinical professions in order to stem the tide of the pandemic. Physiotherapists have, therefore, potential for front line duties to COVID-19 patients as part of their traditional role in acute care for patients with respiratory complications. This study assessed the knowledge, attitude, and willingness of physiotherapists to care for patients with COVID-19 at the onset of the pandemic. Method: An electronic (WhatsApp) survey of 210 licenced physiotherapists was conducted from March 2020 to July 2020 using an adapted questionnaire from a previous validated tool. Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: The physiotherapists displayed a high level of awareness (99.0%) about COVID-19, and the social media (96.2%), especially WhatsApp (74.8%), was the main source of information on COVID-19. 28.6% of the respondents had a sufficient level of knowledge of COVID-19. The knowledge about COVID-19 was significantly influenced by educational qualifications (p = 0.00). Also, 77.1%, 74.8% and 87.1% of the respondents were
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