

Physical activity

How to Cite

Ziemba, K., & Lach, A. (2023). PREFERRED PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES AMONG POLISH TRACK AND FIELD ATHLETES. Journal of Physical Education & Health, 12(21), 5-11.


Physical activity is one of the most important activities in human life. Regardless of age or gender, we all
experience it. From walking, cleaning the house, biking and other activities of daily living to playing competitive
sports. Our mental state improves as various hormones are released during physical activity, reducing feelings
of pain and improving mood. The purpose of the study was to survey track and field athletes to find out which
sports were most popular among them. 210 athletes (119 women and 91 men) participated in the survey. The
respondents answered questions about a variety of physical activities. One question asked them to choose between
summer and winter sports. Next, respondents were asked to select their preferred team sport. Subsequent
questions were divided into several sections, allowing for more freedom of expression. Respondents also gave
their opinion on their favorite combat sports. The last question, unlike the others, was completely open-ended.
The athletes were asked to list sports or different types of physical activities they would do if they were not
training in track and field. The results in this case are very surprising, especially because of the number of sports
mentioned. Thanks to the survey, we have a broader view of the interests of young people and athletes in different
types of sports. The carefully summarized answers also showed the extent to which sports are popular not only
in terms of playing them, but also in terms of watching them. The number of sports mentioned in the last question
allows us to see that young people are familiar with and interested in many sports.


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