

bioelectrical impedance
body composition
Biodex Balance System
4–5 year old children

How to Cite

Reháková, K., & Čillík, I. . (2023). THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BODY COMPOSITION AND BALANCE ABILITIES AT THE AGE OF 4–⁠⁠5 YEARS. Journal of Physical Education & Health, 12(21), 20-26.


This paper presents results of selected body composition parameters of balance abilities in preschool children. The purpose of the research was to examine the relationship of balance abilities and body composition indicators in 4–5 year old children. In total 28 children (18 girls, 10 boys) with a mean decimal age of 4.95 ±0.73 years participated in the research. In order to obtain the body composition parameters, direct segmental multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) was used. To obtain balance abilities and to determine vestibular analyser levels, the Biodex Balance System SD (Biodex Medical Systems, Inc.) was employed. All of the obtained measurement results were compared with each other and evaluated using statistical methods. A correlation between body composition parameters and balance abilities was not found, although a statistically significant relationship between the level of balance ability and age was confirmed (r = 0.316, p ≤ 0.1). In the observed group, statistically significant differences between 4- and 5-year-old children were discovered in body composition p < 0.01. There were strong correlations with age and body composition at a significance level p < 0.01. Boys and girls aged between 4–5 years do not differ significantly in body composition characteristics.


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